Thursday, January 27, 2011

I know I am bad...

at remembering to update this blog. I get so much on my mind that I just dont think to write anything until I am going to bed.

I am doing ok after my surgery. It has been 3 weeks now and sadly I dont think that was what was causing my problem. I am not sure what the deal is. I do know that my case is being looked at my the Medical Chief since it doesnt seem like my PCM is getting anything done. It is so aggrevating to have something going on and no one can tell you what it is. I feel I should go on that show Medical Mystery. I am able to eat alot more then I was before so that is a plus.

I have met some really nice ladies who are also military wives. We are having a coupon party tomorrow at one of the girls house. I am really looking forward to it. Plus there will be alot of kids so Chris and Haylee will have playmates. Some of the girls just moved here and was really wanting to get into couponing. So they were wanting me to share some of my tips. I am willing to help anyone who really wants to learn.

Going to close for now. Much love to you all.......XOXOXOXOXOXO