Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thank goodness for coupons.......

I have been able to find all kinds of retail coupons that I can use tomorrow. I love to shop but even more when I can save money. I am hoping to find both Chris and Hay alot of clothes. 

We are also thinking of getting another turtle. I think Trixie is a little lonely. We havent fully decided yet. She is so easy to take care so it isnt like it is a big burden. She can do some of the cutest things. Although yesterday I went to check on her and she was laying on her back. It scared me because I thought she was dead. But nope she was just lounging like that. We are going to get her a cave because she now tries and gets behind the filter. I have read they like a dark place to sleep. 

Well, one week from tomorrow Chris starts a new chapter in his life. He is really looking forward to it. I however am not. I thought sending him to preschool was hard. We go and meet his teacher next Thursday. I pretty much have all his school supplies. There are a few things that I still need to get. 

Our neighbors are SO weird. If we are outside and they go by they stare at us like we are aliens. While we were home on leave we had a guy that Neil works with come out and mow the grass. And he told Neil that they watched him the whole time he was mowing it. We have traffic circles here in housing and one day I went to check the mail and I was in the circle. Whoever is in the circle has the right away. And he about ran right into me. He acted like he didnt even see me. Another thing when he mows his grass he mows it in patches. I am surprised they havent gotten wrote up for it. So yeah they are weird. I have met a few weird people while we have been here. 

Well, that is all the updates for now. Much love to you all....XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Monday, July 25, 2011

I am......... I have been wanting to start doing crafts and trying to fiure out what I wanted to do has been hard. Until I came across a few videos on youtube. I had once saw a lady post a blog about redoing those white huggies wipes case. She took fabric and some ribbon and made it look all fancy. I always carry one of them in my purse or whatever bag I may be carrying at the time. I almost ended up buying one that was already made and I thought why do that when I could probably just do it myself. And sure enough I got on youtube found a tutorial and ran to Walmart and got a few supplies and here are the results....

For it being my first time making them I think they came out pretty good. My next project is making tutus. I am so excited about making Hay these. She is really starting to get into the girly stuff. I am gonna make our niece one also. I am also gonna try my hand at making photo albums. My sister is real good at making them so I want to try. 

Well, in one week and 4 days my little Bubbers will be a Kindergartner. I am going to go this weekend and get all his school clothes and supplies. I cant wait just wish I had a shopping buddy. It makes it more fun then having to go by yourself. Since Neil is off on Friday and that is payday I guess that is when I will go. Gotta see where the good sales are going on. I have a coupon for the Childrens Place so I will start there. 

That is about it for now. Neil, went today to get checked to see if he qualifies to get that corrective eye surgery. I have decided that I will just stick to my 

Until next time........Much love to you all.....XOXOXOXOXO

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tired of this heat......

We have been here 6 years and we are ready to move. Neil, has out in for BOP again and I am so hoping that we get orders out of here. In case you dont know what BOP means it is base of preference. Things are just different then from when we moved here. And the heat is getting to us. You would think that we would be use to it by now but man who could.

Neil, will be going on a TDY here in a couple months. That will be good for him to get away for awhile. He is always under stress here. At least he doesnt have to worry about his PT test for awhile. So that is one less stress.

The kids are doing great. Growing like no other. Chris starts school the 5th so we are going the 1st for school clothes. I still cant believe I am saying that but it is true.

As for me I am still doing my couponing. It has become my little hobby. I have recruited alot of ladies and they are doing well.

Well, that is about all for now. Until next time.. Much love to you all!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It has been a while.....

I dont know why I cant remember to update this thing. 

The kids and I came back from Ky early since Neil was able to take leave earlier then we thought. He decided that he wanted to surprise us and didnt inform us that he was coming in earlier then planned. It was a nice surprise but it did cut our trip short by a few weeks. But I did get to do the main thing I went in for and that was Courtneys graduation. 

Neil, the kids and I went to Orlando this weekend. We had a real good time and just enjoyed ourselves. We didnt have any set plans which was nice. I did get to go to the Vera Bradley outlet store which was awesome. I LOVE her purses. We also drove past the courthouse where the Casey Anthony trial is going on. There were a ton of news people parked around the courthouse. If she truly did it I hope that she doesnt get off. Then we drove to Daytona and went to the beach for a little while. Then we found our newest member of our family. As soon as I saw them I had to have one. They were so small and cute. So we decided to get one and make it a member of our family. So here she is Miss Trixie....

And what is so funny is that Neil has already fell in love with her. He may act all big and stuff but he is a real softy. Not long after Neil and I got married we got a guinea pig. I wanted one after I had watched the movie Dr Doolittle. I do believe that Chris Rock voiced that one. Anyways we had him for awhile but one day after we had moved to Utah we had been out and came back in and we found him laying on the floor passed away. I was sad to see that he had died but when I looked over at Neil he was actually crying. He might would never admit it but I thought that it was sweet that even though Roks was mine he cried over him. It also broke his heart that we had to put him in the dumpster because there was no where to take him to bury him. But anyways there she is and  we all love her already. 
Haylee turned 3 last month. It is hard for me to believe it but she is 3. We had 2 parties for her while we were at home. One with Neils family and then Mom and I took her and celebrated at Gattis. If you arent sure what this place is it is somewhat like Chuck E Cheese. When we took Chris for his bday she said that she wanted to go for hers. Well, we werent around where a Chuck E Cheese was so this was the next best thing. 

Chris starts school the 5th of Aug. We got an invite for open house at his school so we can meet his teacher. He is really looking forward to it. Not sure yet if he will ride the bus or not. I am not crazy about him being on a bus but I know that he wants to ride it. 

Well, I will end this for now. I am gonna try my best to update this more then I do.

Much love to you all!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXO