Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tired of this heat......

We have been here 6 years and we are ready to move. Neil, has out in for BOP again and I am so hoping that we get orders out of here. In case you dont know what BOP means it is base of preference. Things are just different then from when we moved here. And the heat is getting to us. You would think that we would be use to it by now but man who could.

Neil, will be going on a TDY here in a couple months. That will be good for him to get away for awhile. He is always under stress here. At least he doesnt have to worry about his PT test for awhile. So that is one less stress.

The kids are doing great. Growing like no other. Chris starts school the 5th so we are going the 1st for school clothes. I still cant believe I am saying that but it is true.

As for me I am still doing my couponing. It has become my little hobby. I have recruited alot of ladies and they are doing well.

Well, that is about all for now. Until next time.. Much love to you all!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO