Thursday, December 16, 2010

Trying to think......

of a title is hard. I have read alot of blogs and some can come up with catchy titles. I am just not that creative I guess when it comes to that. 
Well, I found out that I will need to go ahead and have the gallbladder surgery. I am waiting on my referral to the surgeon so I can go and talk with him and get it set up. I sure wish my Momma could be here with me but I understand why she cant be. Hopefully Neil can handle the kids all by himself while I am laid up for a few I am hoping to get in soon and get it done. I just want it over with and see if it will help me feel any better. 
I hope that everyone is ready for Christmas. I cannot believe that it is next weekend. I in a way will be glad for this year to be over. This was the month that we found out we were expecting our 3rd and could have been our 4th child. I was so excited and never thought that it would have turned out the way it did. I will never understand why some women suffer miscarriages. What is more crazy is when you have had two healthy babies and have one. My doctor couldnt understand that either. A part of me would love to have another child because I cannot say that I feel I am done having kids. But the other part of me is scared out of my mind fearing losing another child. I would never even consider it until I know what is fully going on with me. That would just be dumb to take that risk and not fully knowing what is going on. It is in Gods hands whatever is in his plans will be. 

I was just reading on facebook that there is a gunman loose on Pope AFB. Apparently there were shots fired in base housing. They have the base on lock down. Please keep them in your prayers. This hits to close to home for me since we live on base. I guess you cant be safe anywhere now adays. 

Well, I will close for now. I am gonna get our Christmas cards done and hopefully have them mailed out soon. If everyone can send me their address if you want one so I have it. It seems every year I misplace addresses. I will try and not lose them this time. I blame alot of it on the moving. 

Much love to you all................XOXOXOXOXOXO

Monday, December 13, 2010


So I called the doctors office today to see where they were on going over my file and guess what......... She had not even requested my ultrasound from the GI doc. She had since Wed to request it and nothing. I am so fed up with those doctors and nurses on base it isnt even funny. And it would take an act of congress to get my doctors switched to downtown. 

On another note I am so happy because Neil is off next week for their Christmas break. I am gonna put him to work helping me get rid of some stuff. So that way if we get orders it will be gone and if we dont it will still be I have been going through the kids clothes and giving them to a friend of mine. She knows other moms that have little ones that can use the clothes. Her baby is only a few months old so she isnt old enough to wear the bigger clothes. Haylee is already in 4t clothes which I think is bigger then what Chris was wearing at her age. She is my eater and has her Papaws appetite. We think that it is so cute because she has a buddah belly. It is also funny because she talks up a storm and not about anything in particular. She loves the phone which I am not sure where she gets that since Neil and I both dont like talking on them. 

I am very excited because as many know Rite Aid is now my favorite store to shop. And my shopping has paid off. I received a 20.00 gift certificate from them for spending over 100.00 there. Which was not easy because I usually save 100.00 or more when I shop there. My closet is full of all my stuff I have gotten there. But one thing is for sure I will never run out of toothpaste, shampoo or any toiletries. The best part about it is I got most of it for free. I have alot of ladies asking what my secret is to

Well, I am gonna close this for tonight. 

Much love to you all.........XOXOXOXOXO

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Sunday!

I am hoping that everyone had a good Sunday. I heard some devastating news from a friend of mine here. A girl that she is friends with and I have met who is also an Air Force wife their house burnt down yesterday evening. Along with about 90% of their stuff including their Christmas. They have already recieved an outpouring of donations. Which is so awesome especially this time of year. I plan to go on payday and get as much as I can to donate.

The kids and Neil seem to be better. I woke up this morning with a sore throat but it seems to have went away for now. I am not sure that I could really take anything with my stomach in the shape that it is in. I have also had a real bad headache today also which could be due to me wearing my hair back all the time. I am calling my doctor tomorrow to see what is up with surgery. I am hoping they can get me in soon to have it done so I can get it over with.

Can you believe there is only 13 days left until Christmas? I am hoping to get my family's gifts out this week. I am still waiting on Neils parents gifts so theirs will be sent later. I came up with a great way to be with my family on Christmas. By using our webcams and watching each other open presents. We can do it the same way we would if we were there. I would give a high 5 to the person that developed webcams.

Well, not much more to report. I hope everyone back home stays nice and cozy with all the snow. :( Wish that we could have gotten to see some. All we are mainly getting is rain, cold and high winds.

Much love to you all..........XOXOXOXO

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Update on us.

Well, as of right now Neil, Chris and Haylee all 3 have some kind of cold. I am so hoping that I do not get it because I am dealing with enough. Chris started out having it then Haylee and now Neil is sick and acting like a big baby. Other then that they are doing great. I on the other hand is still trying to figure out what is going on with me. I went on Monday and had an ultrasound done on my gallbladder and come to find out I have gallstones. But according to the GI doc that would not cause my problems. But like I said he cannot be 100% sure that it isnt. I am waiting on my doc to call me back to see if I am gonna need surgery. If he says not I am gonna push to have it because I dont want it to cause me problems later on. I do have to say I am better then I was but I am not 100%. Plus it comes and goes and I am basically down to eating nothing. I have lost 49lbs since this started. I am having a hard time finding things to wear that fit. And I dont want to go and buy all new clothes.

The sad news is we wont get to go home for Christmas like we thought. Neils leave didnt get approved after all because the office he was in the other person had already requested leave the same 2 weeks we were taking and because he was the new guy his got denied. Oh the joys of being in the military and being far away from home. I was so looking forward to going home also because this has been the worse year of my life.  But we should find out next month if we are leaving here or staying. I am so ready to leave here and everything about this place behind. The only thing I will miss is being so close to Disney. So I will keep you updated on if we get orders or not. I am also excited for a new adventure and just somewhere different. I guess in one way it was good Neil didnt get his leave. If I have to have surgery he will need it to take off to help with the kids.

Well, that is about it for now. I always forget about this site so I will try my best to keep it updated. Especially with so much going on. But here are a few pics for you to enjoy.

Much love to you all...........XOXOXO