Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The kids and I are in Ky and have been for about a week now. My Mom had came and visited us down in Ga and while there I decided I wanted to come home for a little while. My main reason was my oldest niece Court is graduating from high school and I wanted to be there but the only way was to come in earlier then we had planned. Neil couldnt get the leave for when I needed to be here. So the kids and I came back with Mom and Neil will be joining us later. 

Neil, has been killing himself getting ready for his PT test this morning. They actually rescheduled it on him once because he had to run on the inside track due to his asthma. So he went and tried running on the outside track just to see if he could do it and he could so he rescheduled with the outside track. His goal was to get a 90% so he doesnt have to take it again for another year. That would be good because he drives me crazy when he is getting ready for this But anyways he took it at 5:00 this morning and he let me know that he passed with a 90%. I am so PROUD of him and all his hard work paid off. Although I think he was about to die running But at least that is over and he can come in and enjoy himself. And enjoy some good ol southern food. 

May drive over to the lake today and use my new camera. Get a loaf of bread and feed the duckies. Until next time. 

Much love to you all..........XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO