Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Sunday!

I am hoping that everyone had a good Sunday. I heard some devastating news from a friend of mine here. A girl that she is friends with and I have met who is also an Air Force wife their house burnt down yesterday evening. Along with about 90% of their stuff including their Christmas. They have already recieved an outpouring of donations. Which is so awesome especially this time of year. I plan to go on payday and get as much as I can to donate.

The kids and Neil seem to be better. I woke up this morning with a sore throat but it seems to have went away for now. I am not sure that I could really take anything with my stomach in the shape that it is in. I have also had a real bad headache today also which could be due to me wearing my hair back all the time. I am calling my doctor tomorrow to see what is up with surgery. I am hoping they can get me in soon to have it done so I can get it over with.

Can you believe there is only 13 days left until Christmas? I am hoping to get my family's gifts out this week. I am still waiting on Neils parents gifts so theirs will be sent later. I came up with a great way to be with my family on Christmas. By using our webcams and watching each other open presents. We can do it the same way we would if we were there. I would give a high 5 to the person that developed webcams.

Well, not much more to report. I hope everyone back home stays nice and cozy with all the snow. :( Wish that we could have gotten to see some. All we are mainly getting is rain, cold and high winds.

Much love to you all..........XOXOXOXO