Monday, July 25, 2011

I am......... I have been wanting to start doing crafts and trying to fiure out what I wanted to do has been hard. Until I came across a few videos on youtube. I had once saw a lady post a blog about redoing those white huggies wipes case. She took fabric and some ribbon and made it look all fancy. I always carry one of them in my purse or whatever bag I may be carrying at the time. I almost ended up buying one that was already made and I thought why do that when I could probably just do it myself. And sure enough I got on youtube found a tutorial and ran to Walmart and got a few supplies and here are the results....

For it being my first time making them I think they came out pretty good. My next project is making tutus. I am so excited about making Hay these. She is really starting to get into the girly stuff. I am gonna make our niece one also. I am also gonna try my hand at making photo albums. My sister is real good at making them so I want to try. 

Well, in one week and 4 days my little Bubbers will be a Kindergartner. I am going to go this weekend and get all his school clothes and supplies. I cant wait just wish I had a shopping buddy. It makes it more fun then having to go by yourself. Since Neil is off on Friday and that is payday I guess that is when I will go. Gotta see where the good sales are going on. I have a coupon for the Childrens Place so I will start there. 

That is about it for now. Neil, went today to get checked to see if he qualifies to get that corrective eye surgery. I have decided that I will just stick to my 

Until next time........Much love to you all.....XOXOXOXOXO