Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Going to do better.............

I am gonna work harder to keep this blog up to date. I know some of you dont have Facebook so I want to keep you updated through this. 

Things that have happened. Neil deployed back in March and thankfully got home in Oct. I am so glad that he will be home for the holidays. But my heart breaks for those that have loved ones gone. It was a hard almost 7 months but the kids and I made it through. We were in Ga the whole time and ended up getting to know our neighbors better as her hubby was gone as well. Here are a few pics from the homecoming. The first pic is before he left when we said goodbye. The second one is the day he came home.

Once we found him after he got off the plane.

The plane that brought him home to us.
Glad to have Dad home. Not sure what Hay's face is about..haha